Friday, January 11, 2013

easy and Useful jQuery Tutorials You Might Have Missed

21 Simple and Useful jQuery Tutorials You Might Have Missed


Queness is 6 months old now, I have created 21 tutorials that focus on different section of a website (menu, gallery, slider, tooltips, dock, modal window, ajax and jQuery turtorials). jQuery is an amazing javascript framework. I used to use prototype + scriptaculous and mootools, but I found that jQuery has a great documentation, plugins and huge amount of information out there online. It never cease to amaze me.
So, just in case some of you might have missed my tutorials, this is a round up post for all of them and I hope it will able to assist you in the journey of learning jQuery.

Navigation Menu

Photo Gallery/Thumbnail Gallery



Modal Window

Content Slider

jQuery Plugin


Final words,

I hope my tutorials are useful to you. I will continue to do my best to produce high quality tutorials and bring more inspiration to you.
Thanks for your support. :)

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